We've just made some amendments to "Chapter 6 - Sale of Completed Pty", "Chapter 7 & 8 - Sale of HDB Flats" and "Chapter 10 - Pty Finance & Finance Calculations".
They include:
1. Reduction of Loan-to-Value Ratio (HDB-Granted Loans) to 80% (On and after 30 Sep 2022)
2. Private Property Owner / Ex-Private Property Owner needing to wait out 15 months prior to granting an Option to Purchase for Resale Flat. That said, seniors 55 yrs and above, downgrading to 4-Room flat or smaller, will not be affected.
3. Increased the interest rate for TDSR, to:
Residential: 4.0%
Non-residential: 5.0%
Send an email to "hello@restutor.com" and we'll send you the updated Mind Map!